Want to be at the top of Google? Not at the top of Google? Then it's time you looked into search engine optimisation...
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) encompasses a vast range of techniques with the goal of making your site as relevant and attractive to search engines as possible for your chosen genre. The techniques used are vast and all have a differing degree of weight but all have an affect on the results.
eConcepts pride ourselves on our knowledge of SEO techniques and subsequent results. Typical work undertaken in this field would be :-
This ecompases domain names, url (search engine friendly) naming, safe 301 redirection, access rules, server locations and more. Down in the nuts and bolts of the code (and server), eConcepts can ensure your site is technical optimised for SEO.
Typically this involves examining internal link structure, page titling and meta information, content layout and highlighting, making sure the information on each page is presented in the best hierarchy, layout and manner for SEO while maintaining useabiltiy.
A phrase banded about a lot is "content is king", true to a degree this means you want to get quality relevant content on your site about your genre so that your visitors (and search engines) know just how good your site is. eConcepts can advise, write and implement this for your site to ensure your site is king.
"If you build it, they will come", build the links and you build your results. Simple? Not quite, you need to ensure the links are from good sites, with good linking text and relevant to your field. eConcepts have extensive experience in ensuring your site is linked to from the best sites with the best results for your rankings.
A necessary evil in some cases, however, in other cases an absolute gold mine. eConcepts have managed PPC campaigns from £1/day to £10,000/day - it is not as simple as just picking your words, PPC is a science in itself with associated block lists, landing pages, regions and extensive analytical analysis to get the best results.
Here at eConcepts we like to educate our clients on best SEO practices, this can be through maintaining your own blog, your forum signature down to how your structure and write your posts and more. While an ongoing part of any SEO relationship we are happy to conduct training as requested.